5 ideas FOR helping support kids health + OUR favorite MULTIVITAMIN

This post is sponsored by Ritual, however, all opinions are our own!

As a mom, keeping your little one delighted and healthy is of utmost importance. While it is of course crucial to keep them healthy, it takes a little extra thought and attention

Below are the 5 rituals we practice in our household to help support our health. We wash our hands frequently and correctly, make sure to get our sleep in, eat healthy foods, spend time outdoors daily, and a lot of importantly we all take our Ritual multivitamins.*

1. give them Ritual’s essential for kids Multivitamins

Taking a multivitamin can be an crucial part of your child’s daily routine to help fill the gaps in their diet. When it pertains to helping support my daughter’s health, Ritual is the brand I depend on above all others!

I have been taking Ritual’s essential for women Multivitamin and loving it, so I was really ecstatic to learn they had a new option for kids! They make a sugar-free gummy multivitamin for kids 4-12 years old that is jam-packed full of goodness. We are a lot more than delighted to say goodbye to vitamins filled with sugar and ingredients that don’t need to be there. below is a little bit of what I have learned about these multivitamins!

They consist of extraordinary Traceable Ingredients

In this little multivitamin you are actually getting 3-in-1; a daily multivitamin, vegan Omega-3 DHA, and a good source of fiber per serving.* here is what the nutrients in Ritual kid’s multivitamin helps support:

Normal immune function*
Brain health*
Saúde óssea*
Saúde digestiva*

Ritual’s essential for kids 4+ multivitamin includes traceable ingredients so that you can know what you are putting into your little one’s body. You can find where each ingredient is sourced from on their website, how they are made, and what some of the nutrient benefits are.*

Vitamin AVitamin DVitamin C
Vitamin EFolateVitamin B12
Omega-3 DHAVitamin K2Fiber & Prebiotic Blend

My child actually Enjoys Taking Them!

You’re probably thinking that with all those ingredients that there is no way these vitamins taste good and will go down without problem from your kiddo. However, Ritual actually made these with picky eaters in mind. They have a natural citrus-berry flavor that comes from lemon oil and raspberry extract. Plus, they are sweetened with monk fruit.

Our daughter had no complaints about taking them, and this girl speaks her mind so I have no doubt she would have told me if she didn’t like them!

Taking a Multivitamin Can help Your little One learn about Making healthy Choices

Besides the good taste, I made sure to have a chat with my daughter about why taking vitamins is important. I think it is so crucial to talk with our kiddos about making healthy choices and it helps her to understand why I ask her to take them.

We talked about how these multivitamins don’t consist of dyes or synthetic fillers, which we try to avoid in our household in general. We also talked about how they are vegan-friendly, which my daughter and I both found pretty awesome. I love having these little discussions with her and helping to build good lifelong habits!

2. show Your child proper Hand washing Skills

Why is that teaching your kid something is always so much harder than it sounds? depend on me, I get it, teaching kids proper hygiene is no walk in the park but it is so important! along with taking our vitamins, we all learned how crucial it is to wash our hands in 2020, and if you are anything like me it was probably a little shocking to take account of how often you had skipped over these things before.

4 steps to Hand Washing

When it pertains to teaching your child these steps, the best way is to show them by example. They will learn the proper technique as well as the value of handwashing by enjoying you. speak to your little one about the when and why to help them understand a little better.

You must also make sure they can easily reach the sink and supply a stool if necessary. letting them pick out the soap of their choice and singing songs to make the 20 seconds go by swiftly will help make the whole process a lot more fun for your kiddo!

According to the CDC, you need to follow the steps provided below to appropriately wash your hands (CDC, 2020):

Wet your hands with warm water
Apply soap and lather by rubbing your hands together with the soap
Scrub your hands for a full 20 seconds
Rinse your hands under the clean warm water

3. Make sure to keep Bedtime consistent through the Holidays

It’s fine to bend the policies a bit during the holidays (like sneaking sweets and staying up late to open presents), but your entire family will stay healthier if you keep your normal bedtime routine and get plenty of sleep. While you’re snoozing, your body works on building up the things it needs to fight infection and illness.

So, how much sleep is enough sleep? According to health.gov, seu filho precisa entre 11 e 14 horas de sono, seu pré-escolar precisa de 10 a 13 horas e as crianças em idade escolar precisam de 9 a 12 horas.

4. Incorpore alimentos saudáveis

Os multivitaminas rituais foram formulados para ajudar a apoiar os nutrientes cruciais onde falta, mas ainda é muito crucial colocar alimentos saudáveis ​​para esse pequeno corpo! Alguns alimentos nutritivos incluem frutas cítricas (como toranja, laranjas e clementinas), pimentão vermelho, brócolis, espinafre, açafrão, amêndoas e até frango!*

Aqui estão algumas idéias de refeições saudáveis ​​nas quais você pode esgueirar comida saudável para os pequenos;

Massas com marinara: escolha um macarrão divertido e misture vegetais como espinafre, alho e pimentão para bombeá -lo com vegetais extras.
Mac N Cheese: Que criança não ama uma tigela de deliciosos macarrão brega? Polvilhe um pouco de açafrão, mexa e seu filho nunca saberá a diferença.
Smoothies: Adoro adicionar um pouco de espinafre aos nossos smoothies de bagas e toda a família ainda os ama!
Fajitas da folha de folha: jogue um pouco de frango fatiado, cebola, alho e pimentão picado em uma panela, polvilhe com tempero de taco e jogue -o no forno. Voila, você tem uma refeição deliciosa e nutritiva!

5. Saia e ao sol

Pegue seus casacos e botas de chuva, só porque é o inverno não indica que você precisa ficar lá dentro! A vitamina D é muito importante. Você ainda pode ter prazer no tempo no quintal ou caminhar pelo bairro. Certifique -se de aproveitar os dias mais ensolarados, indo para o seu parque local! Adoramos reunir nossos 3 cães e passear diariamente quando as crianças encerram a educação virtual.

Se você é muito mais uma pessoa interna, não se preocupe! Multivitaminas rituais para crianças consistem em vitamina D3 e podem ajudar a apoiar onde estão faltando.*

Que etapas você planeja tomar para ajudar a apoiar a saúde do seu filho? Eu realmente amo isso através de todo o caos do ensino em casa e, mantendo as crianças entretidas em casa, posso seguir estas 5 etapas básicas e me sentir confiante de que estou dando a elas uma ótima base de saúde.

Eu adoro especialmente que eu possa contar com o Ritual do Ritual para que as crianças mais de 4 multivitaminas forneçam a minha filha mais nova com os nutrientes cruciais que ela pode não estar recebendo o suficiente da dieta sozinha. Eu sei quais nutrientes estão incluídos, ela ama o gosto e é muito básico adicionar à nossa rotina diária, tomando -a no final do café da manhã.*

* Essas declarações não foram examinadas pela Food and Drug Administration. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou interromper qualquer doença.

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